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SWMC Health Library

  • Getting the Most from Your Blood Pressure Medicine

    Getting the Most from Your Blood Pressure Medicine

    Learning you have high blood pressure can come as a surprise. After all, the condition usually has no symptoms. But once you’ve been diagnosed, taking steps to control it can protect your heart—and your health.

  • Protecting Your Child from Chronic Diseases

    Protecting Your Child from Chronic Diseases

    Chronic diseases are long-lasting health conditions that require ongoing care. You might think that such diseases are only an issue for adults. But 2 in 5 school-aged kids are affected, too. Here are answers to common questions about reducing your child’s risk of developing many chronic diseases.

  • Should I Still Eat That?

    Should I Still Eat That?

    WHILE SOME EATING HABITS MAY BE CONSIDERED QUIRKY (like putting ketchup on everything), others are downright dangerous. That’s usually because they up the risk for food poisoning from mold, bacteria, viruses, or parasites. These nasties can trigger uncomfortable symptoms, like stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. Less often, illness leads to arthritis, kidney or brain damage, or even death.

Wellness Center

In the Kitchen: Prevent the Spread of Infection

Bacteria can spread anywhere in the kitchen. Read on for a detailed guide to preventing contamination in your kitchen, and tips for cleaning and disinfecting.


Osteoarthritis Quiz

Learn more about osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, by taking this quiz.


Step-by-Step: Stoma Care: Empyting the Pouch

Here are the steps for emptying the pouch for your stoma.

Symptom Checker